We read Chicka Chicka boom boom and Chicka Chicka 123. Here are some of the fun things we did this week... Many of these came from Greg as medley at thekindergartensmorgasboard.com and Elizabeth Hall at kickinitinkindergarten.com. Both are fabulous kinder teachers with great Ideas!
We read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and practiced making our names and writing them on white boards.
We spelled our names out and counting the letters in them.
This activity doubled for the story Chrysanthemum. We talked about bullying and being respectful. After we practiced making our names and counting the letters we posted them on a big flower on my door. The center reads "How many letters are in your name?"
I put all of the letters of the alphabet in an orange bucket with sand. (Coconut--> beach--> sand) each kid pulled out a letter and we identified that letter and they found it on a large mat with the whole alphabet on it.
We made coconut trees with our rainbow names in them.
My wonderful husband brought in two coconuts and we used our five senses to describe them. He even brought a chisel and hammer for them to help crack it open!
We used our sense of taste and ate a bit of coconut then made a graph to tell whether or not we liked it. If you do these, make sure you don't have anybody allergic to coconut.
On Thursday we made Chicka Chicka boom boom hats! They were so cute! We wrote our names with rainbow letters and attached long fluffy green leaves to the sentence strips to hang off. I got the leaf cut out from Teachers Pay Teachers. Get your FREE copy of it here.
I introduced write the room with shapes (vertical lines, horizontal lane, circle, diagonal line, etc) then I found a coconut tree with all of the letters on coconuts. I only did a few at a time but they walked about the room and as they found the letters they colored that coconut on their sheet.
You can get a copy of it by searching on Pinterest... I downloaded a long time ago. Here is a copy for you!!! Click here to download it.
You can get a copy of it by searching on Pinterest... I downloaded a long time ago. Here is a copy for you!!! Click here to download it.

The link to download the copy of the palm tree with the ABC's on it is not working.. If you would like it click here: